Welcome to our Intentional Disciples of Jesus small group! This group is designed to help us grow together as disciples of Jesus, just like His first disciples did. The purpose of this group is to support each other as we learn how to follow Jesus with intentionality. This means developing a relationship with Jesus and learning to:
Worship Him: Giving honor and affection to Jesus, who is with us today as He was with the first disciples.
Hear Him speak: Listening for His voice in the Word and our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
Learn from Him: Observing His model and example in the scriptures and learning from Him as He guides us into a growing understanding of the Kingdom of God and our identity and role in what He is doing in the world and among God’s people.
Minister with Him: Week by week praying and ministering to one another as we learn to partner with Jesus as the first disciples did in His ongoing mission to bring the love and blessing of God’s Kingdom on earth as in heaven.
We will be using the Intentional Disciples of Jesus book as our guide. We will read the chapters, discuss the ideas, and encourage one another as we grow in our discipleship. We encourage you to participate fully in the discussions, share your thoughts and experiences, and pray for one another. We are excited to have you join us on this journey of becoming intentional disciples of Jesus!
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